Mind, body, spirit. Behind these three dimensions is the central component of energy.
Understanding energy
Energy is what moves us, what powers us. It can run slowly or quickly, it can impact our mood, and it can be shared. It is not the driving force, but the hum behind the engine. It can vibrate passionately or quietly. What drives us might be a mindset, but energy will help us come to that mindset and help the mindset deliver us to our next action.
If energy feels out of balance or stagnant, it might be time to explore how energy thrives and manifests in the body and do something to shift and rebalance it. There are several ways of doing this. Sometimes it can mean visiting a practitioner who will help free up channels of the body where energy is blocked. Or it might mean enjoying a regular yoga session.
A few recommended energy healing practices


Yoga to shift energy
Yoga itself is a very healing practice that is easy to find, afford and experience. When you're doing the practice, whether on your own or following the instruction of a teacher, it always has a beneficial effect. One feels nourished and relaxed yet also inspired with newly-found energy. Here's what one yogi has to say:
"As many yogis do, I first came to yoga for the physical practice, the multitude of pretzel shapes and sweat of course. Upon digging deeper I encountered yoga’s curious way of opening not only my exterior shell but also my interior landscape. I am continually amazed at what is under the hood when I look with awareness. The multitude of physical sensations that crop up in my body screaming for attention, the emotions I ride like waves and the thoughts that jump like popcorn popping across the screen of my mind-and all of these things eventually return to nothing. It is like an archeological dig where you continue to pull back the layers of stories, thoughts, emotions and sensations to experience what is underneath it all." -Rebecca Frost, Usui Reiki Master/Teacher and Yoga Instructor
Rebecca has explained, with wonderful imagery, the transcendent effect yoga offers students.
Try this simple yoga move (a "sun salutation") anywhere to shift energy:
1. Stand tall with big toes touching, knees together, the body relaxed but strong; elbows bent with hands in a prayer position in front of the heart; shoulders relaxed
2. Looking forward, swing and stretch the hands and arms down-around-and-up to the ceiling and gaze at your thumbs
3. While bending your knees, slowly swan-dive forward, bending at your hips, to a forward fold
4. Keep your knees bent and lift up your hips to the ceiling; now bring your hands to your shins, lifting up a little to a flat back, as you keep looking down; your head, heart and hips will form a line that is held up by your extended spine
5. Forward fold again fully, with knees bent
6. Swing your arms out-around-and-up to the ceiling as you come up stretching tall, legs straighter, but knees not locked; gaze towards the ceiling and your thumbs, while reaching lower ribs from waist
7. Swing your arms, outstretched, out-down-around-and-back into prayer position in front of your heart; close your eyes and feel the energy shift; repeat the entire sun salutation two more times
I'm particularly fond of the topic of energy. Some people care to discuss it, others couldn't care less. If you'd like to have a conversation about it, lets begin. Please leave a comment and we'll discuss it.
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