Back from a holiday and New Year's blogging recess! Mmm...Get over your disdain for attending a real, live yoga class. Come join the fun with these helpful tips:
1. Communication - Do this: Before class, let your instructor know if you are a beginner; that way, during class, they can suggest modifications to any poses which will make the moves easier. Also let them know if you have injuries and if you like or dislike hands-on adjustments. On the other hand, you don't have to talk to the teacher at all. Stay quiet as a mouse. Get in and get out, retaining your own contemplative state.
2. Location, Location - Choose a spot on the yoga studio floor that suits your mood; if you feel quiet and dislike hands-on, you might want to lay down your mat in a back corner; alternatively, find a spot near a window for some of nature's energy to help lift your practice without having to think much on your own.
3. Your Mat, Your Kingdom - Make sure you set up your mat with props (blankets, a strap, blocks) if you choose to use them. Beginners might want props; more advanced yoga practitioners might not. Also, unpack your bottle of water and put it by your side, have a tissue or two handy and a long-sleeve t-shirt to throw on when it's time to lay down and (literally) chill-out in Savasana at the end of class. If you're set on having your smartphone nearby, it's cool, just set it on vibrate and put it on a soft surface. If you need to take a call, leave the room to do it. Speaking of mats, most studios now rent them for $2, so you have no excuses. Come to class even if you don't own a mat.
4. Clothing - Feel free to dress your way, comfortably. You can even run into class wearing loose jeans! People show up to yoga class in all kinds of get-ups, so don't worry about what others are thinking or wearing. Some seem all trendy and others downright grungy. Remember, you're not at yoga class to size everyone else up. They're really not looking at you either. Just come to class and you'll witness how uncompetitive it is.
5. Your Way, Always - On that note of personal fashion freedom, understand that yoga really is all about personal freedom, so choose what's right for you. Never do a yoga move just because the class is doing it. Make sure you are comfortable doing a particular yoga pose. If you are not, perhaps try a simple version of the same pose, which in time, will help strengthen you for the more difficult version. And...always take rest breaks whenever you want. The ISHTA school of yoga really believes in keeping yoga a personal experience, for each individual student.
Why go it alone at home with only a yoga video?
Follow these tips as you try out taking a class. Enjoy the benefits today.
Who knows, you might realize how much fun it is to laugh and do handstands with a new community of fellow yogis.
Don't put off yoga any longer! Namaste!
Follow these tips as you try out taking a class. Enjoy the benefits today.
Who knows, you might realize how much fun it is to laugh and do handstands with a new community of fellow yogis.
Don't put off yoga any longer! Namaste!
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